JVC | Activision Recycling Project


In 2014, JVC, an electronics manufacturer and the largest Southeast processor for all Activision games and video discs, contacted The BlueCON Company®. They wanted to explore methods to minimize the environmental impact created by obsolete inventory, returns and product waste.

“The largest offender, the potential landfill of 1 million activision big game hunter rifles.”


JVC was seeking a solution for 1 million Activision Big Game Hunter Rifles packed in cardboard and palletized. This inventory was in storage due to over production and recalls and would potentially result in a significant landfill issue.


Upon an an audit of the inventory, The BlueCON Company® was able to devise a zero landfill and cost program to unpackage, separate, and recycle individual waste streams. These waste streams included cardboard, paper, plastic, batteries, and metal.


Over a six-month period, The BlueCON Company® was able to implement a successful circular recycling program, creating demand for individual waste streams by turning them into paper pulp and auto parts. Activision Big Game Hunter Rifles were diverted from becoming landfill, and JVC was presented with a rebate check for the waste materials.

  • 2.6 Million Lbs. of material diverted from landfills
  • $78,000 saved in landfill costs
  • 39,000 cubic yards of landfill space saved


This project is the ideal example of how businesses can collaborate to align sustainability initiatives and create circular economies.



lb of material diverted from landfills


saved in landfill costs


cubic yards of landfill space saved

Photo Gallery

Activision Big Game Hunter Rifles being recycled into paper and auto parts.