

What is the most efficient, cost effective method of reusing or recycling waste? Here at The BlueCON Company®, our experts can answer that question. Through our circular recycling consulting we work with companies of all sizes to help them understand and reduce their impact on the environment. Our focus is to create a circular economy, including the creation of environmentally preferred products. Our sustainable products assist our customers to reduce their carbon footprint and improve their sustinability goals and objectives.

Every industry has its own unique impact on our environment. Our goal is bigger than merely recycling healthcare plastics into products hospitals use every day. Our goal is to provide companies in all industries with end of life solutions for  their manufactured products. We develop ways to upcycle products out of waste that were meant for landfills. This promotes circular economies with the sales of environmentally preferred products (EPP). The opportunity to create a circular economy and “green your supply chain” with your own waste is a realistic and powerful statement that anyone can take advantage of as they continue on their journey to save the environment one day at a time!

By working together we can help you create successful recycling programs that will:

• Achieve landfill diversion savings and reduce landfill space
• Reduce your company’s carbon footprint
• Create social and environmental corporate initiatives

If you can’t reuse it, recycle it! It’s easier than you think. Let’s create a circular economy!

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Case Studies

“Companies are facing an uphill battle with recycling programs today due to rising landfill costs, lack of landfill space, and the decreased demand for recyclables in the US. By purchasing circular products, companies are creating demand for their own waste which will ensure successful recycling programs.”

The BlueCON Company.



Let us assist you with your sustainable initiatives!